Blog has adult content (sexual and nude images)! The posts are tagged with "explicit" lable. Proceed to view at your own discretion!
Finally, Elliana and Kate found common ground and had a lovely friendly chat at the morning table.

Ellie's friend Nikita Babb paid a visit. She's important cause she was the one who called Elliana and Lou out to the club where the couple got married.

Changed into something more covering

Lou and Elliana at the shop. Lou wanted to sell it and built and buy a new one but he wasn't sure if he'd get Ashton working for him so he decided he'd give it a try at this shop.
Elliana obviously tagged along. Not to waste her time, they bought a bar (kinda out of place but whatevs) so she could practice making drinks.

The last pic of the fam cause...
Lou and Ellie sleeping through it all
What a broken boy... all over again
Even the dishwasher broke down
Elliana's new look. A sad face.
Eventhough the pair wated desperately for the oldies to die to party, they were both really sad. And no partying has been taking place. Plus, Elliana had to get get a job, in culinary science cause of her aspiration. Hopefully the pair will get their chance to party, drink and dance a lot.

Ashton cleaning the shop
Besides working in culinary postition, Ellie has been a big help in the shop, ringing up customers.

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