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Well, Katya had taken thing waaay more slower with Dorian than she did with Jason. But she got "there" anyway:
Things didn't go any further though, so they got back to Kat's aspiration:

Lou must have known Alec moved in cause he came out that night...
Ellie and Alec had a little something something going on, enough to sleep in the same bed together. But...
Alec tried to put the moves on Elliana and she wasn't having any of it.
All was well though, after Alec did the smooth recovery.

It was time for the first Goldsmith Gang gathering since Lou' death. Sadly only Alec and Keira were still alive from the bunch.
Alec convinced Keira to give up the leader position. She quickly agreed. So now Alec was the leader.

Along with keira came Fred Darby. Must be Keira's child. Who's the dad? Who knows?
He was part of the Gang now.
Elliana got accepted aswell.
So did Katya.

Quick change of clothes for the gathering and...
Back to fulfilling aspiration with Fred.

One evening Rafael Smith called Katya asking if she wanted to hang out. Katya hadn't really communicated with her that much but she's the sister of Dorian and Jason mith so how bad can she be?
Rafael was in a flirty mood so Katya took a chance to flirt with her.
Kissing her neck
Rafael (or Rae) was really going for it so Katya decided to take it even further:

Onto mum.

Elliana fulfilled her bodybuilder aspiration. She decided she didn't need a new one cause she just want to concentrate on her mixology career now and reach the top of it.
Ellie also talked to Alec about the Goldsmith gang. she wanted to be the leader of it. He agreed to it.
Well, after all the long hours of workout Elliana needed and deserved some pampering... Alec was glad ti lend a hand:

Katya also decided to change her aspiration from Nerd Brain to Renaissance Sim. Also Elliana thought it was for the best if Katya was the leader of the Goldsmith club.

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