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So as decided Josh won't be going to high school. So here he is looking for a job. Went with manual labour at first. TBut he quickly changed it to erm... babysitter cause he wanted better hours. Then discovered they had the same hours. So later on he changed his job to fastfood worker after even getting promoted as a babysitter. He's not that nice of a sim so...

Flea Market.
Josh and Madilyn both went with the dogs.
Josh's friend Renee happened to be there too.

Mum ended up hanging out wiht Muki.
There she is in the background while Josh and Renee take a selfie together.
And then he played with Pupper. And probably was a jerk to a lot of sims.

Back home he saw these guys...
And this chick aswell:
That's Evie Delgato. They just chatted for a bit. Girls his age are probably the only sims Josh is nice to.

Back in the house:
Gibson came out again and gave Pupper a hug.

And they did build a fence around the bush. Hopefully the dogs won't be too bored now. Madilyn made Muki be nice to Pupper:
He developed the feels for the big girl. But she's spayed so...

Madilyn got together with Nylah after a long time. SHe came in her regular clothes. They chatted for a bit and then the guest changed into her work gear, she's a post woman, and delivered the Goldsmiths their bills. Boo!
Later on some time, Nylah invited Madilyn over for her birthday but she couldn't go. Nice to see others are getting old too.

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