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A serious conversation was to be had. Josh was angry about "Michaela flirting with other girls".
Michaela didn't see the bad part cause she never flirted. She was flirted with.
It was still lighthearted for her.
That made Josh even madder. And he was even more insulting towards Michaela.
They tried to talk it out.
But Josh was clearly too angry.
Michaela decided to drop the conversation cause they both were tired.
Lisa was the distraction and mediator between the two that night.
Next morning after Michaela had woken up, Lisa was barking left and right, almsot waking up Josh.
Michaela told her to be quiet. She was very sad that morning, mostly cause she's a melancholy sim but also cause she didn't know what was gonna happen to her and Josh and their engagement.
Oh yeah and Lisa herself was needing some love too.

Josh woke up.
Still mad.
At least he joined her for breakfast.

After she was done with breakfast, she sat away from Josh and had a cry. Josh was still ranting and raving.
She tried to calm him down.
Luckily he finally did.

He saw she was sad so tried to give her a hug.
Looks like they got it sorted this time.
He tried to say a few comforting words to her too.
Oop. That was a hiccup! A little one luckily.

Oh well, they were calm and good enough to go to the market one last time before jungle adventure.

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