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Norma had called Renee severa, several times asking her out on a date, to breakfast/lunch/dinner/festivals and so on but she had always been busy with work. So... Norma came over herself.
They got on with the regular, old woohoo under the covers.

Also, Michaela showed up on her own.
With a rose.
She also came to see Irisha.

Oh yeah and Renee sent Norma home early and invited another girl over.
They just kissed, she turned into and elder and then they played chess.

Irisha sure was happy about mum visiting.

Megan was happy to spend some time alone.

Iirsh grabbed a plate of food and went to talk to Renee outside. That was a negative conversation. The little thing didn't like Renee that much. Mum Michaela's better.
Cause she read Irisha books.
And bathed her.
And put her to bed with bedtime stories.

And whatever system is responsible for this, made a big mistake...
The support money was supposed to go to Norma and Michaela and the kids who moved out. And definitely not that much! It got sorted pretty quickly, the mess.

Next morning. Veli and Amanda were familially loving.

And another mix up happened...
The bills had always been around 4K so... Renee and Josh had gone to work already and Megan wasn't gonna take care of it since she's new in the household and doesn't even work.
She was at home with Irisha so she wouldn't have to be sent to daycare or be left with a nanny.
They had fun and enjoyed their company.

Renee got home from work and learned about the crazy bills. Since she has the irresponsible trait, it came in handy this time as she decided to ignore this bill. Was no way they were gonna pay this money! And yes this is Amanda, sleeping in her own pee puddle.

The family only had 16 200 simoleons to their name.

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