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As per usual, Michaela was over again.
And this time she witnessed something sad.
Amanda died.
Renee got on her knees fast and strenghthened Amanda's connection with the living family.

During the day...
Megan called.

Irisha was sad but she wanted to spend time with friends to ease the pain.
This is Stella Worthington.
A human friend was fine but not quite like a furry little friend.

The grown ups wanted to wait til the hurting was over to get a new animal and completely focus on it but...
They bought this little thing. Cripsy Goldsmith. Not crispy but Cripsy!
It's a she. She's an affectionate and frisky free spirit. She's a sort of a MaineCoon. She's also very vocal.
And so very small, still.

Anyway, Renee spent time with her own furry friend.
And after that with her son, David.
He too had grown into a child.
He was a good kid too.
He cleaned up the mess Irisha had made.
While she just observed and cuddled Cripsy.

Renee was downstairs.
Took her last steamy shower and her bimbo aspiration was completed!
Her finished aspiration. And just like Josh she was gonna take it easy now and got a similar aspiration to Josh's.
Whimsical Ways.

Renee comforting Irisha about Amanda's death.
Then setting traps for the mice again.

Josh had an easy aspiration but he still got tense from not enough sexy time. So lavender bath and face mask had to do.
And some kitty time.

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