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The bun was in the oven, so the heat needed to be kept up.

Barone was outside with G, being all nice to him. They all didn't wanna neglect any more pets and miss anything important.

Later, Irisha went to work. And Jamari went to walk G. Barone already went to bed. But the scary monster appeared again under his bed. It was too scary to be in his room so he went upstairs to parents' bed for a nap til someone came home to spray away the monster.
Jamari got back first.

But Irisha left work early too. She was so tired and dirty.
Also she developed a maximum embarrassing pregnancy. She was just so embarrassed all the time that if she wasn't pregnant she'd die of being mortified.
She just didn't feel good. She was hungry, dirty and embarrassed. She didn't even have time to eat any normal food. She munched on the jungle grilled cheese to fill her tum fast.

She got her needs under control but talked to Jamari about her pregnancy feelings.
Some loving touch to make her feel better.

But G wanted to go for a walk again.
It was a few days into winter already but still no snow.
The human and the dog got back home.
This was their family portrait as of now, no Marlene anymore and no new kid yet.
You can clearly see G's breath. It was cold but no snow. Also, Irisha tried going for a walk to feel better, in the distance.
Yeah, no help.

Back home G went mad.
He went for a dip in water in this cold!

Barone got back from school too.
Wow. He was always so tired for some reason. Always needing to sleep.
So tired. Sleep wherever, whenever.

Irisha had got back from her walk and didn't even notice her son sleeping on the ground in the dead of winter.
He woke.
And things didn't get any better. He had got over his last phase at some point but entered the same loud one again then and there. But he did get to go inside, inot his warm bed.

And Jamari and Irisha had a warm moment too.

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