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So it was Harvestfest.
Barone served the food and was about to call everyone to meal. He was still devastated by the death of his virginity taker Raelynn.
But he set the table and called the family anyway.
Katra came.
The jungle bugs were bothering the siblings though.
Mum came too.
Jamari was asleep and Elliana was elsewhere.
Irisha saw how sad Barone was about losing a companion. So she got her Golden Balampalsoh Chaos relic and activated it on him.
Okay, now he just had to wait.

About Elliana. The reason she didn't eat the meal was caushe she felt incredibly sick. She was close to becoming a vampire. Normal food just didn't feel right. At all.

Irisha and Katra had some mother daughter chat and the meal.

And off to the jungle Irisha went. Elliana went with her.
Maybe a walk or adventure in the jungle would make her feel better.
So as Elliana complained to Irisha about feeling sick, Irisha assured her everyhing would be fine. She was a hard-bitten old lady, she knew her resolutions to problems.

Oh but Elliana felt sick!
It certainly couldn't have been Elliana, right!?

Anyway, the girls marched on.
While Irisha was trying to figure out how to disarm the traps, Elliana studied the historical sights.
At point Elliana tried to activate a trap disarming thingy and...
She couldn't possible die!? She had no bottle of water on her to put herself out.
Luckily she had some foam.
And Irisha hurried over too to puet Elliana out.
That was enough adventure for Elliana. She headed back to the lodging. Or at least tried to. On her way out of the Temple, she halted...

She turned into her dark form:
A bow!? That should scare sims off!
Anyway, the discomfort ahd come to and end, of sort.
And what do you know, Vlad called.
Eventhough he was so relcutant to turn Elliana, she was all open to the teachings of all vampires.

While Elliana did her thing, Irisha caught on fire too. But Irisha had a bottle of water on her so no problems.

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