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It was another hot summer's day. Barone and Ducthess went out to eat again.
The paparazzi found Duchess and started taking pics of her.
She wasn't impressed at first and wanted to tell them to leave.
But instead she told them about her cause and asked them to support her. They did.
And luckily a little bit later some bigger celebs came around to the paparazzi left the couple alone.
While everyone else was taking pics and oohing and ahing over the celebs Barone and Duchess sneaked off into the toilets.
And just like the last time when Barone got busy with a lady in the toilets at this diner, Duchess ended up with food poisoning.
Barone couldn't make her feel any better so he left her be.
One of the big celebs walked into the toilet just as Duchess was throwing up. Oop!
After that they went home. Duchess was still feeling sick but asleep helped. Also, the Lottery had been successful as far as ticket buying goes. The victory went to Angela Zeigler. Okay then. Barone was sad about the loss. Or missed opportunity.

He had quite a successful day at work though. He diagnosed and treated three patients and had a housecall.
He was called to the house of this celeb he had met a long time ago - Brytani Cho. He held no gurdges as she was on her time off back then and she was sick now.
Also when he went back to the hospital, Gretchen, his former lover, was a patient.

Duchess would work well into late hours of the day. Promoting her cause and socializing.
Filming videos.
Her first confident video.

Next day it was School Summer Holiday. The couple ignored it cause they had no kids. They both were fine with water fun and games but not crazy excited about the things. And they were both way to busy with work.

Duchess got a brand deal!
She used her confident video for it.
Also next day the couple went to Del Sol Valley to film/stream there.
She filmed and streamed her protests.
A crazy looking sim joined her protest. It was a celeb - Holly Alto. You would think she'd have better clothes.
Duchess later uploaded the video.

Also, not just cause of her fame, but Christian got in touch.
She didn't have the time. She was filming, promoting and editing all the time.

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