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Duchess and Barone decided to start planning their wedding. Duchess had a bachelorette party when all the kids had gone to school and Barone to work. She knew a lot of people and had quite a few friends. So, the guests were as follows: Hayley McClendon, Joyce Mooney and Dawson Seitz.
The party was very civil.
During her party, Duchess received a call.
Well, it was a vampire calling but Duchess was kind enough.

A little later the party got a little naughtier.
Joyce and Dawson found themselves in the bathroom doing things.
Duchess had a chat with Hayley at the same time, who gave her marital advice:
Also, Duchess got a lap dance from a stripper named Jackson. And that's how the party ended. Lots of talking, wedding and marriage talking and some sexy stuff. Also the four of them became even better friends.

And speaking of improving relationships.
Katra called about Robin. So basically back in the day when Barone still lived in his parents' house Elliana sucked Robin's blood, without asking. And Katra sided with Elliana while Barone and Robin started disliking the vamp and Robin disliked Katra aswell. So Barone tried to get his friend and sister to like each other a bit.

There was a talent showcase taking place in Oasis Springs one day.
Duchess took Gardenia there thinking they'd be able to showcase Gardenia's acting skills and talents but apparently she was too young. Duchess had a fan fawn over her. She was pretty sure it was a girl who had sent her hate mail before though. Anyway, that outing was cut short.
Back home.
Duchess took care of another kid, Vanessa. She strengthened her spirit's connection to the living world. The family was struggling to fish cause the weather had become too cold for it. And Windenburg just didn't have the kinda fish apparently that could be caught in cold.

Gardenia wasn't discouraged by the talent show snub though. Still learning her lines.

Duchess out and about conversing with different community sims for her charity. Just some fainting fans and paparazzi came around too.

It was the weekend. The girls went on a mini vacation where they met their long lost brother Shyer. The parents sent them away so they could be alone a little and so that Barone could have a bachelor party too. You can't have kids around for that.
The alone time didn't start well.
Duchess went to let off some steam. In the sitting room.
Barone caught her. Again. And well they couldn't wait til the wedding so...

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