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Winterfest continued. Katra invited herself over. Okay.
The family started adding presents under the tree for others. Mum had gone to take a nap too, Barone was up already. They're old. And tired.
The rest of the fam was up and having a nice chat.
Pink bearded Father Winter came.
Who knows what Barone was thinking but he went to replace one of the gifts with a prank present. In front of Father Winter and all.
The festive mood and activities kept going. Mum woke from her nap too and joined in again. They all had a good dance and chat session.
Ugh! Why? And during such a great moment too?!
Whatever, the celebration continued.
Time to open presents.
Well, dad's prank backfired! There was nothing in his gift other than sadness and lies. Maybe he got his own gift? Or maybe Father Winter had a hand in this "prank" after he was Barne doing his mischevious thing?
Biolina was up next.
She got a Wood You Believe Stallion. She liked it.
April went to get hers.
She got a fossilized seamonster. She too liked her present.
Gardenia's turn.
She was pleased with her gift - 1 candle's crib.
Aunt Katra got something that she liked too.
And finally, Duchess went to get the last present.
Um, mum got a train set. But she liked it so...

Actually there was one more gift left.
April went to get it from Father Winter.
Ah! She loved the Lots of Love Bear she got.

After that most of the family went to sleep. Gardenia, being hyper, was still awake. And aunt Katra was still there too.
And little Vanessa showed up too! It being Winterfest and all, Gardenia was close enough with the ghost girl, she asked her to move in with the family, out of her gravestone in the cold, outside.
As she officiually joined the family, Vanessa immediately wanted to be part of Winterfest.
She liked the gift receiving, giving part of the holiday. And she wanted to get a gift from Father Winter too. She just missed him though. But she got the activity table for the family so that was nice.
She had also missed the grand meal and decorating but she wasn't into it anyway.
She had a ghostly, festive chat with Katra too. She was a little positive Winterfest spirit. Tried to get Katra to make up with Robin.
Vanessa also had the trait of bright smile. And another to match that - death by laughter. She probably died at the hospital from the giggles some illnesses cause. Poor thing. Too much happiness can kill. Oh and the little thing's aspiration was social butterfly.
Vanessa joined the festivities right at the end of the holiday but managed to make it a successful one. As did every other sim in the household!

Duchess woke up early in the morning and gave Elliana a call. Seeing as she is a vampire it would be okay to call her at this time. But sadly it was actually too early in the morning and too light for Elliana to leave the house.
Then mum had a chat with the ghost girl. Probably talking about her being brought back to life and that she could go on to live with her dad again.

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