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It was Todd's toddler birthday.
A whole bunch of sims were invited into their little little home.
Juliet, who was blue from sickness, jumped on the counter to taste the cake too, much to the guests' disapporval. The sims who came were April, Mateo and Biolina, Jacklyn and Todd's dad Jerry too.
Little Todd himself had some cake and was off to play while the grown ups chatted. Todd grew up to be hyper just like mum.
There were hardly any seats available for all the sims. Some had to sit on the bed. Also... Biolina's bump!

Todd joined the celebration for a little. Talking to dad mostly.
Well, throwing a tantrum.
And biting him! Mateo seeing what awaits him once Biolina gives birth.
But Todd liked it when dad read him to sleep!

After the party.
The weather had still been lovely out as autumn came but they did get one thunderstorm. Todd was scared of it.
Gardenia tried to calm him down.
He tried to calm himself down too. Talking to the animals. Even Peppa was nice to him.
Juliet had gone to hide under the bed cause she too was scared of the thunderstorm.
But yes. Peppa was super nice with Todd. Surprisingly.
Todd could hug Juliet later on too when the storm was over.

Gardenia worked two days a week. She was still a student at the beauty spa place. She didn't like the nanny sims so she had hired a butler who was dismissed when she was around herself. It cost a lot more than a nanny though.
And the bills came too for the second week of summer in Strangerville - 738 simoleons. So one day she got home from work, with the expensive butler still there and the bills waiting to be paid...
Well, the butler was cancelled. Gardenia was an irresposnible sim yes but she was mostly fired cause she missed a lot of work when she was fighting the mother plant. Rude! Is this how you treat a hero? Eventhough she wasn't particularily fond of working, she was still very sad about the firing.

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