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JT going on about his business.

And poor Cutiepie was still scared of a lot of things and the parents still very much wanted to give Cutiepie away so she wouldn't have to be so scared all the time. She was stressed out, the family was stressed out.

The bills came. 3093 simmos for the first week of spring.

So while Todd could leave the house and work, mum was at work at home. Writing and looking after the kids. So one day she took it easy. She swam out to a little deserted, or uninhabited piece of island and relaxed there.

Todd was on dad duty.
The kids got away too though. Playing outside in the rain, making messes.
Ah, dad gathered them and read them a book.

Speaking of books, Kylli tried to write a better Goldsmith book. And it was an important book too so Todd tried to keep the kids out of her hair. Took them to the circus and on hikes.

Kylli took some writing breaks again.
Not for too long though. So no tan, sadly.

Eventually Todd got back to work too. Fishing.
He also bought some traps.

The twins were fine on their own too.

Sarah called. Ahh... Todd wanted to keep it strictly heir-related. Sorry, Sarah.

Todd met the neighbours too when they brought the family some food again. Thanks, girls!

Back to Cutiepie. The family was trying to keep the little thing happy but... she just wasn't. She got lots of cuddles and kisses, plus a ton of fun playtime.

Todd went to check the fish traps one day. They were empty. Ugh.

And Kylli didn't succeed with her book either.
Things just didn't go well.

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