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Mhm, Todd has been drinking. He's been an alcoholic before so hopefully he'll take care of himself this time.
There were things to celebrate though.
Like Maia's teen birthday.
She grew up to be still rebellious but also still a happy toddler, plus electric sliderule, meaning she wanted to excel at school and later on at work. And she grew up wanting to live in a super fancy house, being a mansion baron. So a hard working little thing, trying to get out of this horrible situation that was her childhood and make something of herself. But was she the heiress now?
Not sure still.
Todd tried to get Juku out in the Goldsmith graveyard. It was still real cold in Forgotten Hollow. He tried to keep warm by drinking a little and...
Oh no! So he was a sad drunk man in the graveyard waiting on his son's spirit to come out and continue the legacy.
Juku still didn't come out. Some other dead relatives did though. Jamari and Madilyn.

Back home, Maia was still not happy with the whole thing. She was often angry herself and super rebellious.
She went to the graveyard herself to get the brother out. Juku, where are you!? She used his gravestone and the book of life Kylli had written. Still no show.

And then Todd went back. He was close to dying of old age so he wanted this to be the last thing he did, bring back Juku. He had taken the tent from home with him and slept as little as he could and summoned Juku as much as he could.
And he had a few fish left to catch for his collection back home, tried a this a few times. Short times. The focus was on Juku. He still never came out.
Another dead relative did, Barone. And who knows what he does in the afterlife but the man was a celebrity - notable newcomer.
So yeah, Todd was just mostly drinking and talking to spirits. Had he lost his mind? He felt like it so he went back home before he died himself so he could see everyone else one last time.

Little Isla grew up too. She was a gamer now. Plus! A mermaid!

The girls at home had been doing alright. Just Maia got sunburnt. Applied the skin soothing balm dad had made.

Yeah, so still no one could get Juku out. And the results for the lottery came in too. Some Logan Poe won all the simoleons!

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