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Gibson's YA birthday was nearing. He was determined to receive all the good character values. The only thing left was emotional control. So the last few days of teenhood he's been writing in his journal every chance he got.
The family wanted to buy a coffee maker to keep him awake on his birthday so he could finish the journaling. They had to buy and build a counter thingy in the sitting room for the kitchen aplliances. Here's mum making coffee for Gibson cause her aspiration was at steak too. Well, Gibson had already topped the other four values needed for mum's parenting aspiration. The fifth one he needed for himself.
The coffee wasn't enough to keep him awake though.
He opted for the energy potion.
Journaling hard.
And he got done with it! Went to the kitchen to make the cake before he did something stupid and fell out of range for any of the character values.
Well, he got his values: good manners, mediator, emotional control, responsible, compassionate, plus the lazy trait.

Also mum must have got a good night's sleep cause her parenting aspiration was completed! She didn't pick a new one.

Gibson got a job - critic. He wanted to become a food critic specifically. As he's got the glutton trait already and dad's really into cooking and gourmet.
Well, he had to paint a mural first though. The parents helped out.
Mum got bored and went to walk around instead. Saw Madilyn Espinoza the gold statue.
Then while they were out, they protested a little.

Also, Vivaan noticed he'd become a bit unfit so he tried to get into shape. By jogging, like Louisa.
He really pushed himself.

Gibson spent some time with Aya again.
And some with the fam.

One time when Gibson went out to town he saw this little lady:
This is Katya, heiress from generation 7.
He also exchanged numbers with Aya.

Back to the counter that was installed in the sitting room.
They also got an ice cream maker.
Mum made some.
Dad ate some.

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