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Now that Bruce is a toddler lots of parent child time has been happening.
Oh yeah, he likes to get naked.
Learning to talk.
Love time.
Cute time.
Play time. With mum cheering them on.

Vivaan needed a quick snack in between.

Then it was on to Sirli.

Yeah he was really busy with the kids since mum was too busy writing books, bestsellers and articles for work.
He got a break.
It was needed too.
Also, he harvested his first plasma fruits needed for the vampirism cure. He didn't get enough of them yet though.

Oh yeah and since Louisa and Vivaan were being all one big family with their kids they didn't want Wells to jump in every time they had the Goldsmith Gang meeting so...
She was kicked out, leaving just Vivaan and Louisa as the only members.

More Bruce:
Eating the parents' wedding cake.
First bath.

Also, a rare moment:
Mum and Bruce talking. Weirdly enough though, Vivaan's relationship was a lot worse with him than Louisa's.

And then came the great thirst. Plasma packs weren't just cutting it anymore. Vivaan needed to bite someone.
He went tou to the park to wait for sims one night. The only sim walking around was another vampire and you can't suck another vampire for blood.
Morning came and he ran into Wells.
He asked her nicely if he could bite her.
She obliged. How nice of her, after being kicked out of GG!?
He didn't get his full meal just yet though. But it was something.

Louisa turned on the inspiration with the club meeting and the mood changing lamp and got her first bestseller written:
While she tried to write the other two for her aspirartion little Bruce went for a walk.
She was on a roll and got all three bestsellers written in a row. She completed her writer aspiration. She went on to write the book of life but learned you can't bind it to an already dead sim (Vlad) so there's no point in writing more of them. She didn't get a new aspiration just yet but she wants to be able to make ambrosia and get Vlad's ghost to eat it to bring him back to life.

Oh yeah and Vivaan found another victim.

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