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When the house got a makerover a while ago, a rocket building equipment was put in the back garden for Vivaan. He needed it to travel to space and eat his grilled cheese there for his aspiration. It was gonna take a long time. Luckily the GeekCon festival came around and Vivaan went there to use the rockets and took homemade grilled cheese wit him. Oh and just before he had enough vampire power points to get sunlight protection. So it was all perfect timing.
This thing can be ticked off the list now. The only thing left in his aspiration is to talk to the Grim Reaper about grilled cheese. He met the dude when Vlad died but it's impossible to ask him to come over.

Louisa has still been trying to write a bestseller. No luck.

Also, after getting the garlic immunity Vivaan has been able to take care of the garden.

Also, little Bruce has finally had some life. He grew up into a toddler.
After his makeover. He received the wild trait.

And at the same time, Vivaan became a grand master vampire. He wanted to be a regular sim though cause he had been dealing with a lot of sadness, thanks to his vampiric weakness, stress from daylight phobia and boredome from reading up about vampires too much.
Here are his probably, most likely final powers and weaknesses:
He just has to wait wait now til he gets to harvest the plasma fruit to make the juice at the bar that cures vampirism.

Bruce is so young he hasn't had too much chance to learn anything yet but he's been puttering around quite a bit.
When mum put him the highchair to be fed he threw the first food on the floor. Luckily the second plate was good enough for him.
Oh dear. Vivaan had the worst time trying to get Bruce to bed after Louisa had gone to work. He must have done it over six times. The problem was the stereo in the room. The kid needs silence!
Bruce finally fell asleep.
And then the inthinkable happened.
Vivaan was thirsty. The plasma pouches weren't helping much.
He wanted to suck the blood of their maid. He wasn't having any of it. So Vivaan got some randomer off his phone list to come over:
He tried to drain the life out of him but didn't succeed.
So he tried the maid again.
It was a horrible, horrible thing.
Anyway, Louisa got back from work.
Time for baby number two to enter the world! She wnet to the hospital alone. And gave birth to a girl, Sirli.

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